Protein Synthesis and Growth Regulation
Protein synthesis and growth regulation require Zn. Reduced hormone production due to a Zn-deficient plant will cause the shortening of internodes and stunted leaf growth.
Deficiency Symptoms
Zinc is much less mobile within the plant, so deficiency symptoms first appear on the younger leaves.

Metabolic Reactions
Zinc aids synthesis of plant-growth substances and enzyme systems, and is essential for promoting certain metabolic reactions, which are particularly critical in the early growth stages.
pH to Zinc Ratio
As soil pH increases, zinc availability decreases.
Zinc deficiency symptoms
Symptoms of deficiency can vary across crop species, but similarities exist for how nutrient insufficiency impacts plant tissue color and appearance. Nutrient deficiencies are commonly associated with the physical location on the plant (i.e., whether the symptoms are primarily observed on older versus newly formed plant tissue), but these symptoms can spread as the severity of the deficiency progresses.
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